Take a look behind reality

Take a look behind reality

Take a look behind reality

Originally I just wanted send out some dear Christmas wishes to you – but then.

Seeing the terror and agonize in Syria, Aleppo, and elsewhere and the same terror and fear right before our eyes in Berlin. And all that terror creating more hate and anger wherever you look…


It leaves me speechless.

I feel a deep compassion and sorrow for all this terrible pain and suffering.

But I also feel like waking up from a nightmare, looking around and slowly starting to realize what madness is happening around us!


In the wake of terror there is always shock. That moment of wakefulness, where we are extremely alert, very present and aware.


It is this kind of present awareness which enables us to see things as they truly are. And I believe it´s important to get that very clear and focused look towards the things happening around us.


It helps us to act with wisdom and out of a deeper knowing, and so not to fuel the omnipresent mad and destructive thinking.


If you feel like wanting to open your eyes even more and look behind the scenes of our collective reality I deeply recommend this new documentary „Hypernormalisation“ by british filmmaker Adam Curtis.


Here is the link to You Tube – if you´re in Britain you´ll be able to watch it on the BBC Iplayer.



I deeply believe that we can change this world for the better.

To do this we need visions and ideas and I hope that next year there will open up some room and space for this.



In the chinese horoscope it will be the year of the fire rooster. Being a sign of dawn and new beginnings, it hopefully raises further awareness to a deeper truth beyond material matters. Where we can connect with each other without resentments to create a sane world for all of us.


Much love to you!



Art Surreal

Art Surreal

Art Surreal

Ellen Jewetts strange work is just incredible! Her dreamlike shapes and characters are both fascinating and bizarre. Her natural history surrealist sculptures have made their appearance in galleries all over the world.




The artist from Ontario, Canada loves to create her animals from anything that can be sculpted. She uses only non toxic materials, which sents her on a journey of unique material combination and invention.



As Ellen states: plants and animals have always been the surface on which humans have etched the foundations of culture, sustenance, and identity. For herself, natural forms are a continual source of fascination and deep aesthetic pleasure.


You find more of her great work at ellenjewettsculpure.com

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