Dying to be me
Dying to be me
This is a post you might not expect on a blog like this. Nevertheless, as I want to share with you inspiration in every aspect of life – I would dearly recommend you to read the amazing story of Anita Moorjani. It´s about nothing less than finding out, how magnificent we all are, the importance of loving ourselves unconditionally and living fearlessly.
I know, there has such a lot of stuff been written about it!
But the message of Anita Moorjani is so different.
Anita lives in Hongkong and has had lymphoma cancer in the final stage. Her suffering went four years long and she was about to die.
In the very night, when her organs were failing, she fell into a coma. For 24 hours Anita was pending between life and death.
The thing is – she decided to come back to life and her cancer disappeared in days. How this was possible and what message she brought back from that realm she visited she explains in this interview at Anita M´s NDE, pdf
Of course, her miraculous healing is spectacular. But what I find most impressive is what she has learned about our existence: the letting go of thoughts and beliefs, which enabled her to perceive life as such in a totally renewed way.
Her sharing of her experience is a true gift for everyone of us.
If you´d like to find out more about Anita, you can read on at her website: