Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals

Spirit Animals

As you know, I believe that all our lifes are connected with one another.

One great way of experiencing this is through inspiration.


In general, I think there are a lot of things out there, which we lost our connection with.


Two years ago, at this time of the year, my father was very ill. I realized during that time, that I was seeing owls. Everywhere. On the internet. While I was shopping. When I drove through town. On bags, clothes or in magazines.

It felt odd and uncanny and some day I started to google the meaning of owls. That´s how I learned about spirit animals, that they want to guide you and might give you an insight over a current life situation.


Eveil de la nuit

„Eveil de la nuit“ 64 x 76 cm, I bought this grand tapisserie picture in Paris, handembroidered in the 1960s


So the owl points to clarity and indeed, during that time, I felt very clear and aware of all the things happening around me. In many traditions the meaning of owls is to be the announcer of death, but also in a symbolic way like a huge transition or change in life.


My father died some weeks later quietly and peacefully and I stopped seeing the owls.

Since then I am much more aware about recurring animals in my life – and I appreciate them now as a useful signpost. They sometimes help me to reassure my feelings or give me insights about something I have to deal with.


As always, it´s our very own choice to make use of such guidance or not. But if you happen to have some own experiences with spirit animals, please share – I´d love to hear about it!

So long, I wish you a very peaceful and happy christmas time!


Organic Embroidery

Organic Embroidery

Organic Embroidery


The art of Meredith Woolnough is showing the beauty of nature in knotted embroidery threads. Her creations look like coming directly from a coral reef out of the ocean. The intricate embroideries are then carefully pinned in shadowboxes, just like preserved specimens.



I am so fascinated by those amazing patterns and was wondering, how is it possible to create such delicate embroidery?  And I found the tricky answer: the secret behind her works is the fabric, because it is water soluble! It was originally invented by the medical industry and is now available in sewing shops. It works as the basic stabilizer on which Meredith can sew her beautiful designs. When the embroidery is finished, she just washes the fabric away.





Nevertheless, the work of Meredith Woolnough, who lives in Australia is extremely intriguing. You can find out more about her art at MeredithWoolnough.com or watch this interesting video, where she explains her working process:



(All pictures taken from the website of Meredith Woolnough MeredithWoolnough.com)

Christmas Charity

Christmas Charity


| Christmas Charity |

Gallery Baeckerstrasse


CUBELIN at the Chrismas Charity of the Gallery Baeckerstrasse in Berlin Schöneberg. This event was organized by owner Alexander Urban and his lovely wife Marie Le Febvre. Lots of friends and costumers came to buy tickets for the tombola and more. More than hundreds guests made this event a big success. Besides the Cubelins I presented a collection of my new crocheted sculpture bags. Having sold the Cubelin „Flowers“ 10 % of the price is donated to the help of the Berlin refugees. Finally in total 1500 Euros were raised to support the Malteser egagement for refugees.

Photos: Doreen Geyer





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