One Million Acts Of Kindness
One Million Acts Of Kindness
This is Bob. He is a very brave guy who changed his life radically and dedicated it to a higher purpose!
After a divorce, the events of September 11th and the slaughter at Virginia Tech, Bob decided to sell everything, buy a bus and travel around the USA over 10 years now, simply to spread love and kindness.
As a father of three college age kids Bob felt concerned for the world in which all kids will live. So he wanted to change our world for the better with a very simple tool: being kind.
Bob was hoping to convince as many people as possible about this much needed movement for this world. About sixty family members, friends and neighbours helped him painting his bus with awesome messages:
And this is what Bob says about his vision:
„One Million Acts Of Kindness is a goal. A goal for each person to individually perform One Million Acts Of Kindness in their life. Can you imagine a greater goal for one’s life? It is a constant mind-set of kindness every day of your life for the next fifty-five years. Doing for others and kindness in your heart for everyone. It is my wish that you will dedicate your life to a charity… finding the passion in your heart for something or someone in need.“
For more information visit Bobs homepage at: onemillionactsofkindness.com
Ain´t that a beautiful idea? And it works – Bob inspired me already to be more kind and open every day :)
(pictures by Lorena for blog.benetton.com)