Textile Adventures

Textile Adventures

Textile Adventures

Her whole life this woman has been in love with textiles, patterns, colours and texture. Looking back now, with 82 years, Sheila Hicks can claim to have always followed her passion.

What makes her work so special is her painterly and architectural approach to textile design. Along with other fiber artists, she is responsible for taking textiles off the wall and giving them a sculptural dimension.

Just awesome!


Sheila Hicks by Julia Noni


What fascinates me most, is the amazing variety of her work. She has started with minimal weavings, which she was inspired to during her trips through Mexico. For more then 50 years now she always carries a small handmade wooden frame in her bag around the world. The hundreds of works have the size of a piece of notebook paper:



HICKS_JJ11_02 03-Egelantiersstraat 1336773078870.cached


Other works of Sheila Hicks have the sizes of footbal fields like this huge installation called „The silk rainforest“.


The silk rainforest 1975

The silk rainforest 1975


„May I have this dance?“ Sheila Hicks (spacematters)



Sheila Hicks for galeriefrankelbaz.com


Sheila Hicks detail Domus

Sheila Hicks detail Domus


I wish I was a wave, 2015, Sheila Hicks, by Demish Danant

I wish I was a wave, 2015, Sheila Hicks, by Demish Danant



Sheila Hicks at Art Basel 2013



Sheila Hicks, wallpapermagazine


With her 82 years, Sheila Hicks is such a fascinating and inspiring lady. She established herself as one of the most innovative textile artists of the 20th century. But most importantly she radiates so much joy and passion that she still looks like a young girl, ready to play and discover the world full of (textile -) adventures.


Sheila Hicks: Foray into Chromatic Zones - The first art installation presented within the Dan Graham Waterloo Sunset Pavilion overlooking Waterloo Bridge and the London Skyline. It includes: scale bundles of coloured fabric that visitors are welcome to sit on and interact with; and mounds of differently and vibrantly coloured fabric that hang from the ceiling. Hayward Gallery Project Space, Southbank, London UK 23 Feb 2015.

Sheila Hicks: Foray into Chromatic Zones: scale bundles of coloured fabric, Hayward Gallery Project Space, London.


Art Surreal

Art Surreal

Art Surreal

Ellen Jewetts strange work is just incredible! Her dreamlike shapes and characters are both fascinating and bizarre. Her natural history surrealist sculptures have made their appearance in galleries all over the world.




The artist from Ontario, Canada loves to create her animals from anything that can be sculpted. She uses only non toxic materials, which sents her on a journey of unique material combination and invention.



As Ellen states: plants and animals have always been the surface on which humans have etched the foundations of culture, sustenance, and identity. For herself, natural forms are a continual source of fascination and deep aesthetic pleasure.


You find more of her great work at ellenjewettsculpure.com

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