Charlottes Paintings

von | Juli 9, 2015 | 0 Kommentare

It is such a sad story to tell – about the short life of Charlotte Salomon. Just by chance I heard of this german painter, who was murdered 26 years old at KZ Auschwitz 1943.

Charlotte Salomon Selfportrait

Charlotte Salomon selfportrait

A friend of my daughter had to talk about her in school  and I was instantly fascinated. This young girl Charlotte painted in 18 months more then 1300 gouaches in an expressionistic style!

Charlotte Salomon



She used to live in Berlin Wilmersdorf just a few streets away from where I live – and in front of her house you find a „stolperstein“, a golden stone in the pavement to remember her and all the victims of the shoa. There are so many of those stones around here.


The 16th of April is Charlottes birthday – a good day to remember her and her wonderful paintings and not forget about all that suffering and sorrow that has happend around here.

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