Fashionable Landscapes

von | Juli 9, 2015 | 0 Kommentare

Yes – I totally LOVE fashion! And recently I fell in love with this beautiful top by Designer J.W. Anderson:



The landscape motif is so captivating, I did a little research and found out, the artwork was made by textileartist John Allen (81)! I was stunned by his website: The way he plays with colours is so inspiring to me! I at once made contact and will do a designclass with him this August. I am so much looking forward to it! Have a look yourself!





Now as Jonathan Anderson is also designing for the spanish luxurious Label LOEWE, he did a stunning upcoming spring – collection, again using the exciting patterns of John Allen.

The pieces hit the stores in May 2015 – aren´t they are beautiful?

In the last picture down below you see the two Designers: Anderson and Allen.

(pictures all taken from the Website of John Allen:


Loewe beach towels and scarves


Jonathan Anderson & John Allen

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