Plate Issue

von | Nov. 10, 2015 | 2 Kommentare

Some months ago I told you about my love for plates .

And of my dream to have the perfect set of plates and tableware, elegantly matching together in one scenerie, but with different motifs on each piece.

It seems to be a difficult task, because I´ d have to decide for one single set and there are so many beautiful ones out there.

I ´d like to inspire you with these ones – not only if you happen to have kids and want to avoid sweet cuddly teddybears and bees.

They are actually made from melamine, so you can throw `em around and they won´t break. We´ve tried it :)




I found them in a museumsshop in Paris and I adore the colourful motifs of french artist Niki de Saint Phalle. The famed sculptor has put her charming bestial forms onto tableware:  A rhino, lion, ostrich, frog and a monkey. Only the camel is missing in my set.

And these porcelain plates below I discovered in London. They´re made by british designer Lou Rota.

I always start smiling, when I set them on the table.


You will hear more of my never ending plate story soon :)

And if you´re interested, here is the designers Website:

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