Holy Cow!

Holy Cow!

Holy Cow!

Toni Meneguzzo, an international renown photographer and a very likeable guy from Italy recently presented his latest impressive and personal project called „Go Shala“! In the Berlin fashion store Quartier 206 you can find some of those extraordinary 90 pictures of holy cows on display.

„Go Shala“ is an anthropological research on the Hindu tradition of Holy Cows, uniquely painted and dressed only during specific ceremonies and celebrations.

Collecting these images of the Hindu Cows in India took Toni five years overall – travelling throughout the country and always on the look out for these amazingly painted animals.


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As Toni Meneguzzo describes it himself, you see this art painted on a walking canvas. The cow is carrying the painting while being the painting itself:

„Adorned with garlands of fresh flowers, with decorations of colourful shiny trinkets, the cows are prepared, and this is the most striking design element, painting their coat and horns with organic pigments that have specific references: the pink is used to reflect the color of the skin of Radharani, who is the companion of Krishna, the shepherd of the cows; the yellow of turmeric is the solar divinity that illuminates the world, and so on.

The pigments are thrown on the animal with an artistic flair that recalls the informal painting of Jackson Pollock.
The sacredness of the temple, the Go Puja, is celebrated by painting the bindi in the middle of the forehead of the animal, just like all the faithful humans.
After making the photograph, the animals were cropped, making them float on the milky white, to emphasize the artistic work done by the locals on the cows because the surrounding rural and bucolic scenery is so imbued with Indian folk icon to mitigate the stylistic and artistic contributions used to celebrate the perpetual ritual of life and the sanctity of the animal.“
There is a book available with all this beautiful cows and you´ll find out more about Toni at his website: www.tonimeneguzzo.com


Toni and me


All photos by Toni Meneguzzo.


Is this art or can I eat it?

Is this art or can I eat it?

Is this art or can I eat it?

I´m really blessed! I have such talented friends and this time I ´d love to introduce to you a very special one! You can sense her verve and spirit already by her name: beautiful Carmen Morales! Olè :)

Now – besides you can have the most wonderful and happy time with Carmen, this girl is dedicated to food. Or better, the art of food.

For her own label „Sweet Table Rocks“ she´s just performing magic all the time. But most importantly – this all just does not only look and taste amazing, she is only using organic and most healthy ingredients.

And this ambition makes Carmens handmade little cakes and cookies even more special. Can you imagine how time consuming her work is?

I once shared an exhibition of my CUBELINS with her, and the visitors were just super excited by her food:)

So – if you like Carmen to rock your sweet table, too, you can find her on Facebok (link at the end of page) or Instagram, her website is coming soon!









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All pictures taken from sweet-table.rocks! Connect with Carmen at: facebook.com/Sweet-Table-Rocks

Organic Embroidery

Organic Embroidery

Organic Embroidery


The art of Meredith Woolnough is showing the beauty of nature in knotted embroidery threads. Her creations look like coming directly from a coral reef out of the ocean. The intricate embroideries are then carefully pinned in shadowboxes, just like preserved specimens.



I am so fascinated by those amazing patterns and was wondering, how is it possible to create such delicate embroidery?  And I found the tricky answer: the secret behind her works is the fabric, because it is water soluble! It was originally invented by the medical industry and is now available in sewing shops. It works as the basic stabilizer on which Meredith can sew her beautiful designs. When the embroidery is finished, she just washes the fabric away.





Nevertheless, the work of Meredith Woolnough, who lives in Australia is extremely intriguing. You can find out more about her art at MeredithWoolnough.com or watch this interesting video, where she explains her working process:



(All pictures taken from the website of Meredith Woolnough MeredithWoolnough.com)

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